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  1. What should I expect the first massage therapy visit?

  2. Where will my massage session take place?

  3. What should I wear during the massage session?

  4. What do I do during my session?

  5. How will a massage feel?

  6. How often do you recommend I get a massage?

  7. How will I feel after the massage therapy treatment?

    1. What should I expect the first massage therapy visit?

    You will be required to fill out a client information form. Afterwards, we will begin by verifying information and discussing the primary reason for your visit. If you have any questions you are encouraged at this time to ask them. We will decide how we need to proceed, I will tell you what I will be doing, and ask for your feedback during the session regarding your comfort.

    2. Where will the massage take place?

    Your session will take place in a warm, comfortable, quiet room, with soft lighting. Relaxing music may be played to help you relax. You will lie on a table designed for your comfort.

    3. What should I wear during the massage session?

    What you wear will depend on what your primary goal for the session is. Depending on the type of massage, you may or may not need to undress. For a general relaxation full body massage, most people undress to their undergarments. You will be given privacy to undress. You will be covered with a sheet at all times, except the area being worked on. For those uncomfortable with this, please let me know. I will be happy to adjust to your comfort level.

    4. What do I do during my massage session?

    Please, make yourself comfortable. Feel free to close your eyes and just relax, or if you want to talk that is fine also. This is your session. If you have any questions, ask. If you are cold, too warm, don't like the music, please just let me know! If the pressure is too much/too light, tell me. I want you to be comfortable but still address any muscle issues you may have. If the pressure is too much, you cannot relax completely. If it is too light, it won't help.

    5. How will the massage feel?

    This depends on the type of massage. Quite often I use a blend of several types of massage techniques. As your body relaxes, and if needed and requested, deeper massage is used. A light oil/lotion is used to allow your muscles to be massaged without adding friction to the skin. In particularly tight areas of muscle, you may experience what is referred to as a 'good hurt'. A release of tension is taking place as the circulation is increased to the area. IT FEELS GREAT.

    6. How often do you recommend I get a massage?

    This depends on what your primary goal for massage is. I see clients for many reasons. General relaxation massage frequency will depend on your life style - How much stress you have in your life, what type of work you do, your hobbies, the sports you play. We will discuss this at the time of your visit. For clients suffering from severe muscle strain and chronic problems, several sessions several days apart are recommended. This will give your body time to adjust to the massage and the muscles to respond. Once again, it depends on the type of problem you may be having, and what your goals in treating the problem happen to be.

    7. How will I feel after my session?

    Most people feel very relaxed. Shortly thereafter many feel an increase in energy, motivation and an uplifted mood. It is strongly encouraged for you to drink several glasses of water to help flush toxins out of the body and hydrate the muscles. My clients report better sleep and having less pain.